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TENGA Egg Shiny Masturbator

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The TENGA Egg Shiny is an ingenious and exquisite masturbator for men who are looking for a softer and more intense feeling than with a normal hand job. The Shiny is a flexible penis sleeve in silicone that is suitable for men of all sizes. Inside it has a tantalizing pattern in the form of a sun that pleases you with its rays.
The Shiny is part of TENGA's new “Hard Boiled” range of masturbation eggs, made of a thicker material with a firmer feeling compared to the other TENGA EGGs. The thicker material also makes the internal structure more prominent and easier to feel.
How to use the TENGA Egg Shiny: Take the Shiny out of the eggshell, pour the lube provided into the small hole and slide your penis into the hole. Your TENGA Egg will stretch up to 30 cm in length. Every time you thrust in and out, the unique inner structure will massage and titillate your penis.
The TENGA Egg is the perfect travel companion for the adventurous man. No one will ever guess what it is!
Note! The TENGA Egg is designed as a disposable product, but can easily be used several times if you take care of it, wash it thoroughly after use and apply new lube. Its lifetime will depend on how hard you grip the sleeve during use. We recommend getting a grip at the lowest possible part of the sleeve so as to avoid excess impact on the outermost part.